
9 Tips For Filing Hurricane Damage Claim In Florida

When a hurricane strikes, it leaves behind the damage that can devastate property owners. Dealing with the aftermath and handling the claims process can be overwhelming. As a reputable public adjuster in Orlando, Global Public Adjusters Inc. provides professional assistance to property owners filing hurricane damage claims. Apart from handling property damage claims caused by hurricanes, we also help property owners who must file hurricane damage claims and flood insurance claims in Orlando FL. Continuing on the subject, this blog will provide nine essential tips specifically tailored to property owners in Orlando, Florida, who are filing hurricane damage claims. These tips will help you understand the process and maximize your chances of a successful claim.

1.  Document the damage extensively

After a hurricane, it is important to document the damage to your property thoroughly. Take clear, detailed photographs and videos from multiple angles. This documentation will serve as strong evidence when filing your claim.

2. Contact your insurance company promptly

Notify your insurance company as soon as possible after the hurricane. Provide them with all the necessary details about the damage, including the documentation you have collected. Understanding the specific claim filing requirements of your insurance company is important to ensure you meet all deadlines and provide the required information.

3. Mitigate further damage

Take immediate steps to prevent any further damage to your property. Cover broken windows, tarp-damaged roofs, and secure any openings. By taking proactive measures, you can minimize additional losses and demonstrate your commitment to protecting your property.

4. Review your insurance policy carefully

Thoroughly review your insurance policy to understand the coverage you have for hurricane damage. Pay close attention to the deductible, coverage limits, and any exclusions that may apply. Having a clear understanding of your policy will help you manage your expectations and make informed decisions during the claims process.

5. Keep accurate records and receipts

Maintain detailed records of all communication with your insurance company. Note down the date, time, and names of the individuals you speak to. Additionally, keep track of all expenses related to hurricane damage, such as repairs, temporary accommodations, and other costs. These records and receipts will support your claim and ensure you receive proper compensation.

6. Seek professional assistance

Consider hiring Global Public Adjusters Inc., we are a reputable public adjuster company that can assist you with your claim.  Our public adjusters work on your behalf to evaluate damages, gather evidence, and negotiate with the insurance company. Their expertise can help you navigate the complex claims process and maximize your settlement.

7. Be proactive and responsive

Maintain regular and open communication with your insurance company throughout the claims process. Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation. Being proactive and responsive demonstrates your commitment to resolving the claim efficiently.

8. Understand the appraisal process

If there is a dispute over the amount of your claim, you have the right to request an appraisal. An appraisal involves hiring an impartial third party to assess the damage and determine a fair settlement amount. Familiarize yourself with the appraisal process outlined in your insurance policy.

9. Consult with legal experts if necessary

If your insurance company denies or undervalues your claim, it may be required to seek legal assistance. Consult with experienced attorneys specializing in insurance claims to explore your options and protect your rights. They can provide guidance and advocate on your behalf.

Call Us For Hurricane Damage Claims in Orlando, FL

Filing a hurricane damage claim in Orlando, Florida, can be a complex and challenging process. By following the above-listed tips, property owners can handle the damage claims process more effectively. We are here to ensure you receive the fair compensation you deserve, contact our professional and experienced public adjusters at +1 407-900-5025 or dial our toll-free number: +1-866-903-4448. We will help you be well-prepared and increase your chances of a successful claim.